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Freedom From 3D'S - Drugs, Diseases and Doctors

Freedom from 3D's, Drugs, Diseases and Doctors.

Three Step Diet (DIP)

Let us talk about India. Today more than 5 months passed since new guidelines were released - one such guideline because of which 70 percent of the population will become free from diabetes.

Is there any hospital in our country, is there any hospital or is there any pathology lab which has implemented the new ACP guidelines so far? One More challenge for you now. You search for any hospital or pathology lab, or a doctor who has implemented the guideline of 6th March? I will give you 50,000 rs on my behalf.

I am just trying to tell you that upto 1947 this Country was a slave under Britishers To day the Country is a slave of British (English) medicines. 

At that time we were doing slavery under the fear of goli (bullets), today we are taking goli (tablets) out of fear.

Now the question is how to come out of
this slavery ?

Freedom from 3 D's, drugs, diseases and doctors. 

Today while unfurling the flag on 15th August, you include these three rules in your life.

First step, till 12 noon, whatever you eat, it should be only, 3 to 4 types of fruits.

Whatever fruit, it may be apple, it may be pineapple or orange - and in case if you are a diabetic patient, it can be mango also - it can be banana, it can be grapes. As much sweet, so much good.

Take any, 3 to 4 types of fruits of your liking and eat in plenty. This you have to eat upto 12 o'clock.

How much should we eat, it depends on our body weight. For example if my body weight is 70 kg, so 70 X 10 = 700 grams. 700 grams or even more than that depending on my body weight . Similar according to your body weight - after pealing it from its skin, after removing the seed. In case if cannot eat it in one go, two times, three times, four times, ten times, minimum 700 or even more than that - meaning according to the formula, according to body weight.

That is what you have to do till 12 noon. Nothing else to be eaten up to 12 o'clock, neither roti, nor rice, neither noodles nor tea nor biscuits, only and only fruits - stomach full. This is step one.

Step two. Whenever you take dinner, you always keep two plates. Plate one and plate two. Plate one consists of three two four types of raw vegetables which you can eat in raw form.

Tomatoes, cucumber, raddish, carrot - a vegetable which can be eaten in raw.

How much to eat, it depends on your body weight.

Your body weight in to five. Supposing my body weight is 70 then 70 X 5 = 350 grams or more, of plate 1. Three to four types of vegetables which you can eat in raw. After eating this now you can switch over to plate two.

Plate 2, homely cooked vegetarian food, with

lesser than less oil. This you can eat how much soever you want. You may think that after eating this much of plate one, there will be no hunger left for plate two. On the contrary after three four days, as much as you eat of plate one - your hunger will increase, metabolism will increase, your energy level will increase, your appetite will grow - and you will be able to eat more of plate two.

Whenever you are sitting for lunch or for dinner, first you finish plate one and then eat plate two.

According to the formula as I told you and after that homely cooked food, plate two, vegetarian food with lesser oil and salt.

So this becomes step two.

Step three is, what you need not to do. Stop

eating all animal food. When I say animal food it doesn't only include fish, egg etc, it also includes diary products. Milk also is a animal food. It comes from animals. Milk, curd, Lassi, butter, ghee, paneer, butter milk - stop them totally.

Reduce them to a naught.

And the other things that you have to stop is fat and processed food. Biscuits, bread to be totally stopped. So that becomes step three.

In case if you follow all these three rules then what will happen with you. Within the first three days of doing it, your blood sugar will stop dropping. You will be forced to leave your medicines for sugar. You will have to taper down your insulin. And if you don't do this, you may landup in a hyper glycemic state and then into coma.

By the seventh day, your blood pressure will start reducing. Which means you may have to stop blood pressure medication.

Within one month, your angina pain will vanish.

Your heart disease will leave. Within two months, thyroid disease will become normal. You will have to throw away the thyroid medication.

Within three months, your body weight will reduce and you will achieve your normal BMI.

Obesity will reduce in three months.

If each and every Indian implements these three rules in their life, not only we all will be free from 3 D's within three months but also India can become America. And American economy which is very much dependent on the crisis of India, will crash.

Today on the occasion of Independence day, I dedicate my new book, New Diabetes Guidelines, to every Indian citizen. You can access a free e-book at the link given below on the screen or you can get a free physical copy of the book from our office at the address given on the screen.

Indo-Vietnam Medical Board

B-121, 2nd floor, Green Fields,

Faridabad - 121010 (Haryana)

Ph. +919312286540

E- mail :

Remember one important thing. You don't need medication, you just need education.

Visit us for more Details

Jai Hind

Thank you
