
Freedom From 3D'S - Drugs, Diseases and Doctors

Freedom from 3D's, Drugs, Diseases and Doctors. Three Step Diet (DIP) Let us talk about India. Today more than 5 months passed since new guidelines were released - one such guideline because of which 70 percent of the population will become free from diabetes. Is there any hospital in our country, is there any hospital or is there any pathology lab which has implemented the new ACP guidelines so far? One More challenge for you now. You search for any hospital or pathology lab, or a doctor who has implemented the guideline of 6th March? I will give you 50,000 rs on my behalf. I am just trying to tell you that upto 1947 this Country was a slave under Britishers To day the Country is a slave of British (English) medicines.  At that time we were doing slavery under the fear of goli (bullets), today we are taking goli (tablets) out of fear. Now the question is how to come out of this slavery ? Freedom from 3 D's, drugs, diseases and doctors.  Today while unfurling the flag on 15th A
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